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Winterizing in Florida

Since it rarely freezes in Florida, you can cover the pool and reduce the filtration time per day and the amount of chemicals added.  Pools today have many options to automate in cold weather conditions; ask a pool professional.

  1. Reduce run time to four hours if not heating.
  2. Reduce chemical consumption by turning down chlorinator/generator.
  3. Run the pump/solar overnight during a freeze warning.
  4. Cover pool to reduce heat loss and evaporation at night.

If there is risk of freezing, there are several steps to take.  Contact a pool professional for assistance.

  1. Balance the pool water and then shock the pool
  2. Remove skimmer baskets, wall fittings, and ladders
  3. Drain all pumping, filtering, heating and chlorinating equipment
  4. Blow out the lines and plug at the pool and then add swimming pool anti-freeze to the line
  5. Cover the pool
Plates are may be available for you to pick up, call first.
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