December 2014 - page 29

Florida Pool Pro
• December 2014
Officers are President
Tony Caruso, TC Water Features
; Vice President
Jackie Arnault, The Pool Pleaser
; Secretary
Amy Heinritz, Florida Leak
and Treasurer
Alan Cooper, Alan Cooper Consulting
. Directors
are to be
Steve Bludsworth, All-Pool Service and Supply;
Ken Brown,
Insurance by Ken Brown; Nick Arceneaux, Superior Solar Systems; Mike
Dooley, HornerXpress; Colleen Salvage, Central Florida Advertising and
Design; Paul Roth, Roll-A-Way Protective Pool Fence; Barbara Austin,
Erickson Pools;
Ben Evans, American Pools & Spas.
and thank you to those who are volunteering their time and energy for the
betterment of the Chapter and the Association.
Your 2014 Board of Directors continues to work on exciting and educational
events for the remainder of the year and for 2015. Please let us hear from
you with any suggestions for speakers or events. The Chapter welcomes and
encourages member participation. The next Chapter Board meeting, which all
Chapter members are encouraged to attend, will be held Friday, December 5
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