April 2015 large text - page 18

Florida Pool Pro
• April 2015
Something is lurking in the water!
By Rick Howard, Rick’s Pool Service, Inc. /
Springtime is pool time and not just for humans. For us in Florida we have
lots of wildlife using our pools. Has anyone watched “The Gator Boys” on
TV remove large alligators from swimming pools? If you arrive at a pool stop
and find a gator enjoying the pool, I suggest calling a professional (actually I
believe it is required) to remove the critter.
In the spring it is not uncommon to find baby turtles making their way into
our pools. It is also not uncommon for animals to leave behind some signs that
they have been enjoying the pool. I once informed a customer that a raccoon
had been getting into his pool. He said, “We are in the city, you mean we have
them around here?” Yes we do! He found out I was right when a large raccoon
fell through his screen into his pool. He later trapped six and relocated them.
I advise caution when opening skimmer lids as I have removed everything
from them including rats, mice, opossums, rabbits and snakes. The snakes
can be dangerous. Yes, I have removed rattlesnakes!
During our dry months, April and May, smaller lakes dry up and ducks go
looking for water. This is a major problem and can cause pools to be closed
for extended periods. I had a condo group that liked to feed them. The ducks
invited their friends and relatives for the free meal and pool swim! I informed the
folks that if they wanted
to keep feeding them,
their pool would be closed
indefinitely. The reason?
Duck droppings, or “poo”
as Mike Rowe from “Dirty
Jobs” calls it. And it is not
only a dirty job to clean it
up but is also hazardous
to humans. If and when
humans de f eca t e i n
pools we call it an AFR
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