April 2015 large text - page 25

Florida Pool Pro
• April 2015
Here are some thoughts for the agreement…
• Company vehicle will be used only for company business and never for
personal use unless specifically authorized. If personal use of the vehicle
is specifically authorized, only the employee will drive the vehicle.
• Emphasize defensive driving techniques and emphasize the driver take
reasonable care in the operation of the company vehicle.
• Only company employees or other persons being transported for business
purposes will be allowed as passengers and only previously approved
company personnel are allowed to drive any company vehicle.
• No consumption of alcoholic beverages or other drugs is allowed prior to
or while operating a company vehicle. Nor is operating a vehicle while
under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. Nor is anyone else allowed
to operate the vehicle under these conditions. No open container (alcohol)
is ever allowed by driver or any passenger of a company vehicle.
• All traffic laws, ordinances, and regulations pertaining to the operation
of motor vehicles will be obeyed at all times. The driver will pay any
fines, parking tickets, or other assessments for violations of traffic laws,
ordinances, or regulations imposed when they are the responsibility of the
• Driver will wear a seat belt at all times and will require all passengers to
do so as well.
• Prior to driving the vehicle, a safety check will be performed. This will
include checking tires, lights, wipers, horn, turn signals, rear view mirrors
and brakes to be sure they appear to be in safe operating condition. If
defects are noted, the driver will immediately report deficiencies to a
supervisor or manager.
• In the event of an accident, the company automobile accident reporting
procedures will all be adhered to.
• Driver should understand that if they are involved in an at-fault accident
with a company vehicle they will be required to attend a remedial driving
school or attend a defensive driving course at their expense.
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