April 2015 large text - page 37

Florida Pool Pro
• April 2015
members. We have a great year planned for 2015 and look forward to seeing
you at the upcoming events.
What better way to kick off National Water Safety Month in May than with
Josh the Otter? Please join us at the library readings of Josh the Otter at
Selby, Gulf Gate and Fruitville Libraries on May 4. There is more pool and
water safety to come, mark your calendars to join us at the World’s Largest
Swim Lesson at Arlington Park Aquatic Center on June 18. To get more
information or to volunteer for these events please contact Sonja at Sonja@
Ou r n e x t Ch a p t e r Bo a r d me e t i n g , wh i c h a l l memb e r s
a r e e n c o u r a g e d t o a t t e n d , w i l l b e Tu e s d a y, Ap r i l 1 4 a t
11:45 a.m. at the FSPA state office. Please RSVP if you are attending.
The Manasota Chapter has great plans for 2015. There will be business
mixed with pleasure throughout the year. Please let us hear from you with any
suggestions for speakers or events.
North Central Florida
Chapter Coordinator: Maggie Kloepfer / (866) 930-3772
Welcome to new member
Cheanay Pritchett, Ocala Pool Boys.
On March 19 the Chapter had their meeting in conjunction with the grand
opening of Solar Trek’s new location.
Solar Trek
has partnered with Caribbean
Electric and can now provide electric for repairs and new pools. If you didn’t
attend you missed a good time of food and fellowship.
May is Water Safety Month. If you or your company are participating in any
events in your area, please let Maggie know.
We need your input! The Board would like to offer CE classes
l o c a l l y f o r Chap t e r Membe r s . P l ea s e l e t u s k now wha t
t op i c you wou l d l i ke t o see o f f e r ed . Con t ac t Magg i e a t
or one of the Board members.
Please support your Chapter by attending the planned meetings and events.
If you have something specific you would like to see at a meeting, please let us
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