April 2015 large text - page 30

Florida Pool Pro
• April 2015
Team Horner recognized for promoting
employee well-being and performance
FSPA member Team Horner received the American Psychological
Association’s (APA) 2015 Psychologically Healthy WorkplaceAward at
a ceremony in Washington, D.C. on March 14. One of five employers
from across North America to receive the award this year, the company won in the medium
for-profit category.
The Psychologically Healthy Workplace Awards are designed to recognize organizations
for their efforts to foster employee well-being while enhancing organizational performance.
“This is outside confirmation that we are totally committed to teamwork for all the stakeholders
in the company – customers, suppliers, employees, the industry and our community” says Dr.
Bill Kent, Team Horner owner and president of the 430-employee company.
The wow factor that got the attention of the review panel of psychologists was the “Color
Me Healthy” well-being program. Guided by Team Well-being Coordinator, Kim Kent, teams
of employees are the ones who decide what well-being programs will be implemented without
direction or censorship by management.
Groups within the company have different ideas of what they want. For instance, office
workers in Ft. Lauderdale created a quiet room, on-site yoga and meditation, provide stand-
up desks and ball chairs and offer nutrition workshops. At the firm’s manufacturing plant,
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