December 2014 - page 12

Florida Pool Pro
• December 2014
How to prevent electrocutions
By David Pruette, David Pruette’s Electrical Services, Inc. /
Well I've just read yet another article on
swimming pool electrocutions. A word which,
by the way, in the 19
century meant death
by electricity. In my 32-year career I've been
shocked many times. I should have used the
term electrocution (maybe I would have gotten
more sympathy when I got home). Now the
term is used every time someone touches their
car door in the winter and feels a static shock. Sadly, we have seen some
true electrocutions recently, including a 7-year-old child. There is no greater
tragedy than losing a child.
We are all in the business of providing what is intended to be one of the
most fun things a child and their family enjoys. I wish we could all witness the
smiles the first time a kid jumps in his new pool! We are all confident we can
provide this joy safely and free from worry. When an accident does happen it
makes us stop and think about what we could do to prevent it in the future. I
especially have felt a greater sense of responsibility in providing a perfectly
safe electrical installation for every new pool we do. I am quite confident in
the fact that we do provide a completely safe product.
I am also confident that the car I drive every day is safe. I know this because
this car was manufactured under strict guidelines intended for my safety. I
have this car serviced on a regular basis. I only allow certified mechanics to
service this car. I don't jump in this car when there is an obvious mechanical
problem. Why then, do we treat swimming pools any differently? They are
built under the proper guidelines that have proven to provide a safe swimming
environment. They also need to be maintained by the same guidelines.
We live in a deteriorating world. There has to be visual inspections done on
a regular basis to insure the integrity of these pools. The GFCI breakers and
outlets need to be tested monthly to ensure they are doing their job to protect
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