December 2014 - page 13

Florida Pool Pro
• December 2014
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8/13/2013 4:32:47 PM
swimmers. Check the copper wire connections at the equipment to make sure
the bonding stays intact. Check to see if the light fixture has water in it. And
most importantly, if something needs repair, call someone truly qualified to
repair it. We have a large group of people who feel like changing all the new
construction lights to 12 volts is going to solve the electrocution problem. It
can't hurt but, because this isn't where the real problem lies, this becomes a
feel good solution that helps very little. The majority of the problems come
from poor maintenance and poor workmanship beyond the pool. I feel we
should be more like A/C contractors in offering a "systems check." Pool
owners typically only know the person who cleans their pool or the one
behind the counter who tells them how to get rid of green water. Neither of
these are usually qualified for a true systems safety check. Please make
your customers understand that saving a few dollars now can cost a life later.
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