March 2014 - page 20

Florida Pool Pro
• March 2014
The Everything Under the Sun
was held February 21-22 at the Orange
County Convention Center. Thank you to
the Florida West Coast Chapter members
who volunteered their time at the Expo.
Congratulations to
Jim Guszkiewicz
was chosen as the Florida West Coast
Chapter Director of the Year and to
who was inducted into the FSPA
Hall of Fame. Thank you, Jim and Rick,
for all of your hard work and dedication to
the FSPA!
Plan to attend the Chapter Meeting
on Wednesday, March 19, at the First
Lutheran Church CLC (gym), 1644 Nursery
Road, Clearwater 33756. The topic will be
hazardous materials regulations. Safety
and compliance is a smart business
decision! This meeting is a must for
anyone who carries chemicals in their
David Rivers, R & S Compliance
, will provide an overview of the
Hazardous Materials Regulation (HMR),
the increased enforcement, and the
significant fines involved. Registration
and food begin at 5:45 p.m. and the
presentation starts at 6:30 p.m. and will be
followed by a Q & A session. Registration
for member companies is free for the first
two attendees, additional attendees are
$10 each. Non-member companies pay
$15 per attendee. Registrations must be
received by Friday, March 14. Call or e-mail
the Chapter office to register.
It’s time to start putting your team
together for the Florida West Coast
Chapter’s Annual Golf Tournament! This
year’s tournament will be held on Saturday,
May 10 at the Bardmoor Golf Club in Largo.
The tournament will begin with a shotgun
start at 8:00 a.m. Abarbeque chicken lunch
and awards will follow play. Contact the
Chapter office to register your team or to
be a sponsor!
Chapter Coordinator: Shannon Adams
(800) 548-6774
The Manasota Chapter has a great
plan for 2014; there will be business
mixed with pleasure throughout the year.
The Chapter will plan CE classes as well
as social events for its members and
anyone interested in learning more about
FSPA this year. These meetings will be
a great time to network, learn the latest
industry information and get to know one
another better. Watch for more information
regarding the classes, an exciting golf
tournament and even a sunset pig roast.
Like our Facebook page: FSPA-
Manasota Chapter. This will help us share
information, let you know what’s coming up,
and better communicate with one another.
Feel free to comment and share.
The first meeting of the year was a
huge success. Many businesses were
represented and learned much about “The
DOT and the Bleach Boys.” Thank you to
David Rivers, R & S Compliance Group,
for a very informative presentation.
Several of the Manasota members will
represent the Chapter at FSPA’s Legislative
Days in Tallahassee and expect to return
with some valuable information to share.
Plan to attend the next Board meeting on
March 18 to hear their reports.
Congratulations to Chapter members
Coast to Coast Pools
for winning Design Awards.
North Central Florida
Chapter Coordinator: Maggie Kloepfer
(866) 930-3772
The February Chapter meeting was
held on the 11
at Ruby Tuesday’s. Mike
Driscoll, Wonder OrganizationWizard, LLC,
gave a presentation on their software which
tracks pool service routes and work orders.
Thanks to all who came and supported the
A Commercial Pool Council is being
developed with one representative from
each Chapter.
Larry Losciale, Easy
Modern Living
, will be representing the
David Rivers, R & S Compliance Group,
speaking to the Manasota Chapter on “The
DOT and the Bleach Boys.”
Gonzales and learn about local initiatives
to combat unlicensed activity including
sting operations. Chief Code Enforcement
Officers for your local municipality have
been invited to attend. There will be good
food, fellowship and door prizes! You must
RSVP to the Chapter office to attend.
Here is a list of the Chapter meetings
and events that are currently planned for
the year:
• March 6 Chapter Meeting*
• March 12 Board Meeting
• April 9 Board Meeting
• May 1 Spring Into Summer
Table Top*
• May 21 Board Meeting
• June 11 Board Meeting
• June 28 Summer Bash!*
• August 7 Chapter Meeting
• August 13 Board Meeting
• September 17 Board Meeting
• October 2 Chapter Meeting*
• October 8 Board Meeting
• November 12 Board Meeting
• December 5 Chapter Holiday/
Christmas Bash!*
Please put these dates (specifically
those marked with an asterisk) in your
company calendar. And remember, your
membership is a company membership
and everyone in your company can attend!
See you there!
Florida West Coast
Executive Director: Malinda Howard
(727) 638-6072
The Chapter Board of Directors met at
noon on Tuesday, February 4 at Applebee’s
in Clearwater. Thank you to
John Olden
Gorman Company - St. Pete
sponsoring the luncheon. The next Board
of Directors meeting will be held at noon
on Tuesday, March 4 at Applebee’s,
5110 East Bay Drive (Tri City Plaza),
Clearwater. Remember that every member
is encouraged to attend Board meetings.
Our Board of Directors meetings are
usually scheduled for the first Tuesday of
the month. We are always interested in
hearing your ideas for Chapter meetings
and programs. Please call or e-mail the
office if you will be attending this meeting
so that we can plan accordingly.
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