Florida Pool Pro
• March 2014
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Next week marks the last interim
committee week before the 2014 Regular
Legislative Session convenes on March 4.
As of February 14 there are 1,067 bills filed
in the House and Senate.
In the category of FSPA Watch Bills,
the Corporate Tax Income Bill (SB 110 / HB
249) was voted favorable with a 10-0 vote
by the Commerce and Tourism Committee
on February 3. This bill will now move
onto the Appropriations Subcommittee
on Finance and Tax; and Appropriations.
House Bill 249 – This bill was withdrawn
on February 6.
The Workers’ Compensation Bill (SB
444 / HB 271) was voted favorable (SB
444) by the Appropriations Subcommittee
on General Government with a 12-0 vote
on February 6. This bill will now move onto
theAppropriations Committee. On February
11 HB 271 was voted favorable by the
Government Operations Appropriations
Subcommittee with a 13-0 vote. This bill
will now move onto the Regulatory Affairs
A new Workers’ Compensation
Bill has been added to the watch list.
SB 952 by Sen. Simpson / HB 785 by
Rep. Albritton. Authorizes employers to
negotiate retrospectively rated premium
with insurers under certain conditions. The
effective date would be July 1, 2014. SB
952 was filed on February 10 and HB 785
was filed February 3.
A new Unemployment Compensation
Bill has also been added to the watch
list. HB 251 by Rep. J. Rodriguez
revises definition of term “good cause;”
revises provisions relating to individual’s
disqualification for benefits for voluntarily
leaving work; provides exemption from
such disqualification for certain victims
of domestic violence. The effective date
would be July 1, 2014. This bill was referred
to the Economic Development & Tourism
The Unemployment Compensation
Bill (HB 519 by Rep Grant) now has a
Senate version (SB 844 by Sen. Latvala)
and was referred to Commerce and
Tourism; Appropriations Subcommittee on
Transportation, Tourism, and Economic
Development; Appropriations on February
A Wage Theft Bill (SB 926 by Sen.
Simpson) is providing requirements for
county ordinances regulating wage theft;
authorizing county funding to assist in
addressing claims of wage theft; preempting
further regulation of wage theft to the state;
providing an exception for an ordinance
enacted by a specified date, etc. It would
2014 Session Legislative Bill Tracking
Jennifer Hatfield, FSPA Government Relations Consultant /
Continued on page 18