Florida Pool Pro
• March 2014
For additional information about any of the
events or meetings listed in the Chapter
News, please contact the Executive
Director listed at the top of each Chapter's
West Palm Beach; and
Finest Pool Service, Jeff Byron,
The Chapter welcomes inquiries and
applications for membership. Contact either
the state office or the Chapter office for an
application and further information. There
are many benefits of membership. Come to
the membership booth at Marketplace 2014
to learn more. You can get an application as
well as enjoy the newest products available
showcased in the exhibitor booths. There
will be an auction as well as many door
prizes. Show hours are 6:30 p.m. – 9:00
p.m. Free food and refreshments, as well
as a cash bar will be available.
Polk County
Chapter Coordinator: Maggie Kloepfer
(866) 930-3772
The Polk Chapter is still looking for
a few good industry members to help
out a few hours a month serving on the
Chapter Board of Directors. Please contact
Maggie at 866-930-3772 or Maggie@
FloridaPoolPro.com if you are interested.
Space Coast
Chapter President: Dominick Montanaro
State office: (866) 930-3772
The Everything Under the Sun
was a great success and I hope you had
the opportunity to enjoy all the Expo had
to offer.
Albert Underwood, Aqua Blue
, received the Space Coast Chapter’s
Director of the Year Award at the Thursday
evenings Welcome andAwards Reception.
Congratulations, Albert, and thank you for
all your work this year and for the past years
of service you have devoted to the Space
Coast Chapter!
Paul Uzialko, the Investigation
Supervisor with DBPR, will be the guest
speaker at the Chapter’s meeting this
month. The meeting is scheduled for
Thursday, March 13 at Beef ‘O’ Brady’s in
Melbourne. The social will begin at 6:00
p.m. with the meeting starting at 6:30 p.m.
Paul will address the initiatives DBPR has
undertaken with the funding received from
the legislature this last session. We will also
discuss how the Chapter can better work
with the department in reporting unlicensed
activity and learn more about their authority
based on statutes they operate under.
Please make plans to attend and bring
some of your employees. Pictures are
important and your employees are our eyes
on the road all day, and it might open their
eyes to the pitfalls of being an unlicensed
contractor! We will also be returning
from Tallahassee that day from the FSPA
Legislative Days and can bring you up to
speed on happenings from the Capitol.
The Chapter Volleyball Picnic is
scheduled for Sunday, April 6 at Pelican
Beach Park in Satellite Beach. Please
mark your calendars and plan on joining
us. The food and company is great and the
volleyball is always exciting. We will keep
you posted as the event gets closer.
Tampa Bay
Chapter Coordinator: Maggie Kloepfer
(866) 930-3772
Dan Baker, Gorman Company, and
Tim Converse, Solar Solutions, Inc.,
attended the Hillsborough Water Safety
Team meeting January 31 at the YMCA.
The Chapter is partnering with HWST in
promoting water safety education to help
prevent drowning. Did you know that
according to the Center for Disease Control,
for every child who drowns, another four are
hospitalized and 16 receive emergency
care for near drowning?
On April 4 we will have our golf
tournament at the Eagles Golf Course
in Odessa. This event raises money for
the Scholarship Program and PIPAC.
Don’t miss this great event. Make your
reservations now.
A Commercial Pool Council is being
developed with one representative
from each chapter.
Carl Shoffstall,
FL Playstructures & Water Features,
will be representing the Tampa Bay
The Board of Directors is planning
events for the year they feel would be
of interest to you as a member. Please
support your Chapter by attending. If you
have something specific you would like to
see at a meeting, please let us hear from
Treasure Coast
Executive Director: Susan Gilbert
(772) 263-2653
Spring is just around the corner! Let’s
thank our new Board for springing into
We had a great turnout for our
Horseshoe Tournament! We want to thank
Robert Miller, Palm City Pool & Spa
He organized and set up teams for the
whole event and made it a success! Thank
SCP of Port Saint Lucie
, for your
teams that participated; you are always a
tremendous support to our Chapter! Thank
you to
Darlene Fuggetta,
Safety Pool Covers,
for organizing the
food and cooking! Thank you, Seth Lowe
and Amos Gilbert for volunteering to help
serve and set up! All the support helped to
make it a great time!
One person can make a difference, a
group can accomplish a great deal if the
goal is the same! Look forward to working
towards the goal of making our Chapter
even better.
The Treasure Coast Chapter held a Horseshoe
Tournament. Second place winners (left)
were Gene McKillop and Danny McKinley.
In the center are first place winners Robert
Miller and Cabell McVeigh. In third place
were (right) Frank Lambrechts and Dan