March 2014 - page 4

Florida Pool Pro
• March 2014
John Garner, Sr.
FSPA President
Association in action
Online job listings are free for
FSPA members!
Print your job or classified ad for only
$125 / month.
Contact Charis Tyson at
800-548-6774 or e-mail
Another month is gone and we are
on a roll. The annual show (Everything
Under the Sun
Expo) was an incredible
success. Once again Wendy Parker Barsell
and the great staff from our state office did
a wonderful job. A big thank you to them
for all of the long hours and hard work they
put in. The success of the show is a direct
reflection of your commitment.
As I walked the show I couldn’t help but
listen to the comments from both attendees
and the vendors – all positive! We had
more vendors this year and added new
continuing education classes. Thank you
to all the vendors who participated. There
were some great new products shown. This
is a great time to learn something new and
brush up on the things we thought we knew.
Our private industry party at Howl
at the Moon Friday evening had a huge
turnout with great food, beverages and
entertainment. A big thank you goes out to
all who volunteered at the show. We could
not do this without you.
Now it is time to look ahead to our
Legislative Days in Tallahassee, March
11-12. Hopefully if you plan to attend
you have already made your reservation.
Remember it is very important to stay in
touch with our legislators on local, state
and national levels as much as we can. We
have come a long way in the last several
years but cannot let up now. We may not
be able to raise as much money as some
other groups but any volunteer work goes
a long way and is always appreciated
and remembered. Remember we are the
pool professionals and the resource the
legislators seek out when legislation for our
industry comes up. Jennifer Hatfield, FSPA
government relations consultant is doing a
great job in Tallahassee and is well known
on the “hill.” Please give her your support
at Legislative Days.
Just around the corner is our next
state Board meeting on May 16-17 at the
Hilton Melbourne Beach. All members
are welcome and we encourage you to
attend. Remember we are a grass roots
organization run by you.
In between these exciting industry
events, my wife and I will be off to the
Caribbean again on a live aboard. Sorry,
someone has to do it. Cheers to a great
I am looking forward to a great 2014
and wishing success to everyone. Thank
you again for allowing me to be your
president. If there is anything I can help
you with please don’t hesitate to call or
e-mail me.
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