Florida Pool Pro
• March 2014
Most commercial pool service
companies look for new ways to increase
their revenues and profits, while commercial
pool owners are looking for simple ways to
make their pools more efficient and easier
to operate. Both should be looking for ways
to bulletproof facilities against potential
liability as Florida laws dictate that liability
claims be shared by all involved.
The Florida Health Department (DOH)
64E-9 code provides a blueprint to increase
your revenues, while providing a simpler,
more efficient pool operation that is less
likely to land you and your customer in court.
Many facilities have DOH-required
items that are often in disrepair. Your
company can and should be bringing
these items back to compliance with DOH
code, resulting in making some additional
revenue and making the pool better. Here
are a few examples:
Water level – Auto fill: These are
commonly inoperative. Proper water level
helps process debris into the surge tank
and pump strainer, minimizing your pool
skimming and vacuuming chores. Next
time the water level is broken, work with
the owner to fix right away. You make some
money and save lots of time.
Vacuum, pressure gauges and flow
meters: Service companies often clean
filters that aren’t dirty, and fail to clean
filters that are. This costs you time and
money in excessive chemical usage and
callback service calls. DOH code requires
instrumentation on pool systems and your
customers should have them (and should
pay). Then you can minimize your service
time and make more money.
Leaks: DOH code requires leaks to be
fixed. Here is a great opportunity to save
chemicals and make some extra dollars in
finding and fixing leaks.
Tiles and decks: DOH code does not
allow for cracked tiles, slippery decks, etc.
You should take the opportunity to help the
customer fix these health and safety issues
immediately. Your wallet will thank you.
Controllers: DOH code requires a
functioning controller on all spas, wading
pools, and IWF’s. A good controller will
save you time, money and chemicals, and
will help keep you out of the courtroom. If
the controller is broken, fix it or replace it
with a reliable model.
The bottom line is that keeping pools
up to code is a win-win situation for your
wallet and your customers’ safety. These
great new sources of revenue will not
generally get bid out and will strengthen
the bond between you and your customer.
Take the time to learn the DOH code
line by line, and you will find great revenue
opportunities on every page. Then make a
deal to run the commercial pool to code.
You’ll be glad you did.
A great revenue opportunity right under
your nose
Alvaro G. Mendoza, CES /