Florida Pool Pro
• March 2014
Annual trade show
continues to grow
The Orlando Pool & Spa Show made
its debut as the renamed Everything Under
the Sun
Expo in Orlando February 21-22.
The event followed its name and had just
that, everything. Pool noodles you drink
out of, floating chairs, solar equipment,
pools, spas, pavers and much more was
all on display. More than 250 exhibitors
attracted more than 4,000 attendees. The
aisles were full of people, information, new
products and friendly faces.
The Thursday evening Welcome
and Awards Reception recognized Pete
Coccaro as Person of the Year and
inducted Rick Howard into the FSPA Hall
of Fame. Ten companies accepted 24
Design Awards in a variety of categories.
VIP tickets were a new addition to the
evening and included prizes. Fred “Corky”
Williams and Erik Eikevik split the top prize
of $1,750!
The Friday night private industry
party was packed with more than 900
people eating, drinking, playing games
and singing. Dueling pianos provided
good music indoors and tents full of food
and games provided good fun outdoors.
Thank you to all of the event sponsors:
HornerXpress, Gorman Company, Pentair
Water Pool & Spa and, represented by
Professional Lines, Aladdin, AquaChek,
Aqua Art, Delta UV, Orenda Technologies,
Praher Valves, Rola-ChemCorporation and
Education courses did their job with
more than 900 pool industry professionals
registering for classes. FSPA members
took advantage of free CE with 445
members taking more than $47,000 worth
of education, The FSPAmembership booth
received more than 30 new applications,
gave away hundreds of T-shirts, handed
out lots of safety penguins, and gave
away hundreds of dollars in cash! FSPA
members and all company employees were
eligible to win an iPad Mini. Friday’s winner
was David Woodrow, Intercoastal Pool &
Spa Builders, Inc., and Saturday’s winner
was William Faulk, Tim’s Pool Care, Inc.
The Product Showcase was on display
in front of registration where exhibitors
could highlight a new product, a great
product or an energy efficient product.
The ballots are in and the Best Showcased
Product was the Sip-N-Oodle! The Sip-N-
Oodle is a pool noodle that holds your drink
in it so you can float and drink at the same
time. Visit them at