Florida Pool Pro
• August 2014
The Fl or i da We s t
Coast Chapter’s Night
at the Ballpark started
wi t h Lar r y Ahe rn
throwing out a first
pitch. Family fun and
fireworks made for a
great night.
• Thursday, October 2:
Chapter Meeting
• Wednesday, October 8:
Board of Directors Meeting
• Wednesday, November 12:
Board of Directors Meeting
• Friday, December 5:Holiday Party
• Wednesday, December 10: Board of Directors Meeting
Florida West Coast
Executive Director: Malinda Howard
(727) 638-6072
The Chapter Board of Directors met at noon on Tuesday, July 1 at Chili’s
in Clearwater. The next Board of Directors meeting will be held at noon on
Tuesday, August 5 at Jack’s Magic Products located at 12435 73
Court, Largo.
Remember that every member is encouraged to attend Board meetings. Our
Board of Directors meetings are usually scheduled for the first Tuesday of the
month. We are always interested in hearing your ideas for Chapter meetings
and programs. Please call or e-mail the office if you will be attending this
meeting so that we can plan accordingly.
The Chapter kicked off their Independence Day celebration with a night at the
ballpark on Thursday, July 3 at Bright House Field in Clearwater. Our Chapter’s
own Rep. Larry Ahern threw out one of the
opening pitches! We had 120 participants,
including our pool professionals, families and
friends, enjoy an all-you-care-to-eat buffet,
the baseball game and an outstanding post-
game fireworks show!
Thank you
to everyone who came
out to join
us for an evening of
f oo d , f un
and fireworks!
M a r k
your calendars and
plan to join
us for the Florida West