November 2014 large print - page 36

Florida Pool Pro
• November 2014
Tuesday, November 11 at 11:45 a.m. at the FSPA state office.
North Central Florida
Chapter Coordinator: Maggie Kloepfer
(866) 930-3772
The Board of Directors met on September 23. The Chapter voted to donate
to Rep. Keith Perry’s Campaign. The Board of Directors will remain the same
for 2015 with the addition of a new Director. They are as follows:
• President –
Jeremy Hine, Florida Leisure Pool & Spa
• Vice President –
Randy Taylor, Easy Modern Living
• Secretary -
Dino Muggeo, Dino’s Pool Service and Repair
• Treasurer -
Larry Losciale, Easy Modern Living
• Director –
Ray Jones, Tri County Pool & Spa
Thank you to
Sue Muggeo, Dino’s Pool Service and Repair,
for volunteering their time at the FSPA Swim Meet in Stuart.
We need your input! The Board would like to offer CE classes locally
for Chapter members. Please let us know what topic you would like to see
offered. Contact the chapter coordinator at
one of the Board members.
The next Board of Directors and Chapter meeting will be November 18 at
Ruby Tuesday’s in Ocala at 6:30 p.m. Please plan to attend.
The Chapter will be hosting a reception at the quarterly state Board meeting
and is in the planning stages for the event. Keep informed of this event by
attending the Chapter meetings. We would like to have a good representation
of our Chapter at this event.
Please support your Chapter by attending the planned meetings and events.
If you have something specific you would like to see at a meeting, please let us
hear from you. We are always looking for members who want to get involved
in the Chapter events. If you are interested, please let us know.
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