November 2014 large print - page 28

Florida Pool Pro
• November 2014
Past President Pete Coccaro.
Nautilus Pools, Inc.
Port Charlotte
Pete has been in the
pool industry since 1979
and has been president of
Nautilus Pools, Inc. since
1989. He is a certified
contractor for residential
and commercial pools and
is a certified aluminum
specialty contractor.
Pete has been active
in the Charlotte Harbor
Chapter since 1990. He
has served three terms
as chapter president and
seven years on the FSPA
Board of Directors. Pete
served on the Executive
Commi t tee as an at -
large director in 2009 and
2010, treasurer in 2011,
vice president in 2012,
president in 2013 and
past president in 2014.
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