November 2014 large print - page 23

Florida Pool Pro
• November 2014
Why become active in the FSPA?
By Rick Schmitz, Paradise Pool Service /
Howmany times have you been asked to
join the Florida Swimming Pool Association
and wondered, “What can your association do for me?” Theodore Roosevelt
stated very appropriately, “Every man owes a part of his time and money to
the business or the industry in which he is engaged. No man has a moral
right to withhold his support from an organization that is striving to improve
conditions within his sphere.” Regardless of your opinion of the man or his
political affiliation, that statement should ring true for any business owner.
If you are not already an FSPAmember and you are reading this, you should
become one. Now it is understood there are questions regarding why you
should join but there are good solid answers. Since it costs money to belong
to an association, it is logical to ask, “What can this association do for me?”
A possible answer could be… nothing! An association can do things
you (with your support, expertise, cooperation, etc.) but not for you exactly.
It is actually the same principles for your business - it can’t do anything for
you unless you do something for it. You invest money in a business as well
as time and energy. The degree of success depends on the talents, time
and energy expended, even more than the amount of money invested. The
association works the same way.
Your dues represent an investment, just as it does in your business. There
are certain functions and services which the association, acting in concert with
its membership, can perform - but to be successful in its efforts, the association
requires the support and involvement of its members. It needs the collective
thinking of all concerned to formulate plans, and it requires the physical effort
of its membership to put those plans into operation. So if you are already an
FSPA member… it is time for you to actively participate! Ask your chapter
Board if you can join them as a director. Find out if you can help out with a
function. Volunteer to help make member phone calls. Just participate.
It’s been proven over the years that a large percentage of failed businesses
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