November 2014 large print - page 19

Florida Pool Pro
• November 2014
maximum energy savings
• Surge and Spike Electrical Protection of pumps and electrical components
• Recording of electrical usage with variable frequency drives that offer 40
to 75 percent power savings
• Electronic centralized log recording of all the above systems
Water savings - Leaks are bound to happen. The goal is to discover them
early before they waste water, erode pool deck sub-base and cost the residents
unnecessary money in their water bills. Large underground water leaks can
become very costly. With digital technology, alarm alerts drastically minimize
discovery and repair time to hours and days versus weeks and months.
MIT Sloan Management Review – 2013 Digital Technology Global Executive
Study and Research Project; Andrew McAfee, MIT Center for Digital Business;
Alvaro G. Mendoza, Commercial Energy Specialists, Jupiter, Florida
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