November 2014 large print - page 20

Florida Pool Pro
• November 2014
By David Griffiths, Insurance By Ken Brown /
Distracted driving: A major cause of auto
Distracted driving is an epidemic on America’s roadways. You see it every
day: Drivers swerving in their lanes, stopping at green lights, running red ones,
or narrowly missing a pedestrian because they have their eyes and minds on
their phones instead of the road. Yet, people continue to assume that they
can drive and text or talk at the same time.
What is distracted driving? Distracted driving is any activity that could divert
a person’s attention away from the primary task of driving. All distractions
endanger driver, passenger, and bystander safety. These types of distractions
• Texting
• Using a cell phone or smart phone
• Eating and drinking
• Talking to passengers
• Grooming
• Reading, including maps
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